Copyright House offers 'real copy' copyright. What does this mean?
In addition to storing an encrypted file of your work in our secure locations, our policy is to also store an exact copy of your original work. This original work can be seen, listened to, or be read by legal professionals if needed in case of infringement. In a dispute, Copyright House can provide a real copy of your submitted work, not just a digital checksum.
How do Copyright Registration Services Register Copyright?
There are quite a few factors to consider when choosing a copyright registration service and it is important to make an informed decision that best protects your work now and in the future:
Is the copyright service an independent third-party?
It is vital that the copyright service you choose can act as an independent third-party. To act as an independent third-party the copyright service must store a copy of your work. Copyright House registration ensures independent third-party verification.
How does the copyright service register copyright of your material?
Copyright registration services can use various methods to register copyright:
- Software can be used to generate a digital checksum (typically a MD5, SHA -1 or SHA-2 Hash Key) of your work. This technology encrypts the work and ascribes it a digital signature – a hash key. A certificate of registration is then generated showing the key and the name of the work, time, date and registered owner. The original file and the certificate must then be stored by you (any changes to the file will render the key obsolete).
- A copyright service may store a copy of the registration certificate only
- A copyright service may store a secure copy of the original plus other related material

Copyright House chooses to store a copy of the original work (real copy copyright). We also store an encrypted copy in multiple locations and go even further to protect our client's work with the addition of a third level of security by storing an encrypted copy of your work in a solicitor's office.
We do not consider a digital checksum of a work to be a secure method of copyright registration because we are concerned that it does not provide independent third-party copyright verification and that future upgrades to algorithm generating software may render current hash keys ineffective and insecure.
Is the copyright service website secure?
As you will be uploading your work and personal information this is very important. At Copyright House all secure pages where you will upload files are SSL encrypted. Payment is through PayPal so we never use or store your payment details. Please see our secure registration page for more information.
Is the copyright service reliable?
No company can guarantee its future operations 100%. However, any responsible copyright service company will set procedures in place to protect its clients data, information and registrations.
Copyright House was incorporated in 2009 and continues to grow due to our value-for-money packages, ongoing customer service and the comprehensive database of information available on our website. We store a copy of our client's registrations with a solicitor and have procedures set in place should the company cease trading. We take copyright seriously and that means we do our best to inform people about copyright so they can manage, benefit from and retain control over their work. Please read our FAQs for more information.

Does the copyright service have a directory of registered works?
Many copyright services have a registration database that allows someone to verify their copyright online from a copyright registration ID. At Copyright House we have this facility but we also have an open and publicly accessible directory for registrations. It allows anyone to see details of the copyrighted works and if you take a look you can see for yourself that some artists have used our unlimited registration packages to upload thousands of works!
Does the copyright service store a copy of the original work?
Companies using encryption software to allow you to create a digital key as copyright registration do not store any of your work or information. Other companies may just store a copy of your registration certificate.
Copyright House stores a copy of the original work which we believe is the best form of evidence of copyright ownership.
It is up to you to do due diligence on the copyright service you choose. Be informed to be protected.
What other services does the copyright service offer to support copyright registration?
Will the copyright service be there to help you if someone tries to steal your work? This may be the most important aspect to consider when choosing a copyright service. Support can include DMCA notices, affidavits, storage of original work and copyright law information.
At Copyright House we value our clients and we offer ongoing support that includes copyright information, DMCA notices, affidavits, and support to manage your copyright protection in the case of a legal dispute or false claim of ownership made against you.
Disclaimer: The information given on this website does not constitute legal
advice. We recommend that you seek specialist legal advice in accordance with specific circumstances.